Barracks of the Picardy Foot
Rue Du Temple
One S of intersection of Rue de la Corderic and rue du temple
Phoebe, mascot of the Picardy Foot
Phoebe is a young goat, neatly trimmed with long dirty white hair that drapes down to her feet.
Monsieur de Broussel, tutor of the Picardy Foot
Nicknamed by me SPROUTS!
Regiment-pf shirt a pearl-white linen shirt with billowing
sleeves and tapered cuffs Regiment-pf pantaloon Regiment-pf boots- highly polished onyx-black
leather boots that rise above the knees in a protective cuff Regiment-pf cloak- a full-length
supple cloak of shimmering silver leather edged with pearl-white trim and adorned with an etched Regiment-pf sash
-a shimmering silver and pearl-white satin sash of the Picardy Foot bearing the emblem of a small
shield Regiment-pf hat- a wide-brimmed hat of onyx-black suede accented with a pearl-white plume Regiment-pf
gloves- fitted leather gloves of deep onyx-black leather that cuff protectively at the wrists
Sergeant {2nd Class}
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