Picardy Foot Regiment

Rules and Guidelines

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Regiment Rules

These are rules we must try to follow at all times. If broken they can result in punishment. Some broken rules are dealt with more harshly then others.
1.The mascots are there to be killed and to be guarded. No challenging because of them, nor get upset if they are killed. You want to defend the regiment mascot, be there to guard. If not, dont let it upset you.
2.Always be honourable! Fight with honour, Win with honour, lose with honour.
3.Fight with honour- honourable duels, Meet alone, Greet, Engarde!
4. Win with Honour- Be gracious with your win, no need for gloating.
5.Lose with Honour- Accept you have been bested in that instance, congradulate winner, and use a loss only to motivate you to train harder!
6. No mean words or slander. These can scare off new players from the regiments, or from Aott altogether.
7. No *picking on* challenges. This means challenging the same person repeatly because you don't like them, or you know you will win. This can also drive people away.
8. No jumping, teaming, targeting one person
9. The Elite and Lower regiments should not be mixing. For Example using an elite to help you guard reghome.
10. Keep within 7 star range for challenges, if more, will be punishable.
11.Challenges are to be in good role play attitude. Check challenges and honour for more information.
12.All is fair in reghome. This means teaming, jumping and such is fair within the reg home, as well as in the enemies reghome. If you dare enter an enemies, be prepared for this as well
13. Recruits are off limits. No killing, no challenging. This does not apply if a recruit comes into reghome.

Rules that will have both regimental and judicial repercussions
1. No challenging Guides on Duty. To check this type GUIDES, if they are linked with newbie, do not Challenge! This is an offence punishable by stockades.
2. Only 2 kills of a person per GMT day. This is at least a stockades punishment, worse if judges and Royalty deem it so.
3. Duels in front of Louvre, in the Great Square, or in front of churches are not allowed! These happenings greatly displease Royalty, and will be avoided at all times.
4. Interfering with an agreed duel is forbidden and punishable by 24 hour sentence in stockades.
5. Public Dueling without a challenge. Should a Parisan witness the fight, it may become a matter for the court. A duel with a challenge may become a court issue if a judge or magistrate witnesses it.